By Nora Toufaili
Have you ever had a moment in your life where you imagine a moon created by humans? I mean only just over 50 years ago, the first ever person to land and walk on the moon was Neil Armstrong. That moment in time remains until this day, as the greatest triumph of human history.
Fast forward 53 years, Dubai, the most progressive and populated city of the UAE, has achieved yet another triumph becoming the fifth nation to successfully send a spacecraft to Mars. It is achieving some of the greatest milestones in Arab history and soon to be the most progressive city on Earth.

But what is Dubai also known for? Well, I think if we said the word “Dubai” the visuals that come in mind are buildings, luxury, flamboyant shopping malls with waterfalls and aquariums and the most extravagant contemporary sightseeing attractions in the world. Of course, we can’t forget about The Burj Khalifa, the tallest building in the world. But that won’t stop it from creating even greater things. With such a progressive state, it’s hunger and hard work for advancements and developing, is only growing stronger with momentum and progress in developing the greatest designs and innovations in architectural history.
Just recently, Dubai has announced yet another incredible and fascinating project. That they will be collaborating with the Canadian Moon World Resorts Inc to build a $5 billion Moon Resort.

Yes you heard that right.
Instead of us going to the moon, they’re bringing the moon to us. A Canadian architectural company called The Moon Resort Inc co-founded by Sandra G. Matthews and Michael R. Henderson has proposed to build a resort at the heart of Dubai. They have announced that “Moon Dubai” will be a 735-foot high building in the shape of the moon costing $5 billion and said to be ready within 48 months from start to finish. Allegedly, Moon Dubai will have a “lunar surface’ imitating the surface of the real moon and a ‘lunar colony’.
“Approximately 300 ‘Sky Villa’ units will be available for purchase”
The actual resort will comfortably welcome over 10 million guests a year while the lunar colony, approximated to welcome 2.5 million guests annually. It is also said to be ‘an affordable space for tourism’ within the United Arab Emirates.
“Moon Dubai is expected to add to the emirate’s economy in sectors such as hospitality, entertainment, attractions, education, technology, the environment and space tourism, Henderson said”
With such a large scale building intentionally built as a resort and a holiday space for guests and tourists, there is also going to be over 300 apartments and private residences for people to purchase. Dubai Moon will include spaces within the resort that will accommodate agencies and astronauts to train as well. Talk about optimum luxury.
There isn’t much more information released yet about the project but only that if it happens it will only take 48 months to finish.
What do you think? I mean, with such a progressive state and Dubai being one of the biggest resorts for holidays in the world, it only makes sense to use more of the imagination and attract in even more tourists. This is such an incredible idea and the prime example of how wild and big the human imagination and reach.