by Imane Ahammar.

Hi my love, I know that you might have been feeling a little bit less like yourself in the last few weeks or months and I noticed that you desperately wanted to change something but didn’t know exactly what or how? I am here to tell you my little secret: start analyzing the places around you and how you feel in them. When we are down, the environment we are in may have a big impact on how we feel. Let me give you some sister advice so that you can learn how changing your interior can change your lifestyle for the better.
How many times do we scroll around on Instagram, Pinterest, Tumblr or even any platform that inspires our way of decorating the place we call home. I am sure you have too and maybe even saved many images of inspirational interior and other decorative spaces wishing that one day you can have a place or space like that. I imagine tons of times right? And I’m sure you’ve had the feeling that you need a perfectly aesthetically pleasing home in which to live.I always say that inspiration comes from within; what do you truly desire? A comfortable home? That warm feeling you get when your feet touch the ground and you can collapse on the coach after a long and hectic day? I believe that how you decorate your home reflects the person you are and want to be, and thus reflects a bit of your way of thinking and living.And I am here to show you that interior design can come in any form and can differentiate from the smallest thing like a painting you made yourself or one of your beloved ones to a cool object that you dreamed of having.

But did you realize that your internal environment may also significantly impact your mindset and tranquility?
Because that is exactly what happened to me, here some simple suggestions to help you change your space and make it more liveable while also changing your entire routine and perception! Let’s say that pink is your favorite colour, use exactly this colour in different tints in your home, as it’s a colour you love. Seeing it in your space can give that extra boost to your mood and that every day. My favorite colors for example are, and yes I have multiple ones, blue, white and amethyst purple! I love painting items with colors like these or buying crystals that reflect the colors I like. I place them in a corner so I can have them in my view.
Many interior design platforms online also describe the effect of what color can do and that using the colors you desire for your interior can make you feel more comfortable and therefore increase your productivity at home, just like how I try to create a comfortable space by using the colors I love. The theory on which this is based on is called color psychology and has been proven by many studies on the Psychology of Colors. In short, they showcase that everyone has another feeling for each color they are seeing. Therefore, the color you feel most attracted to or comfortable with is also exactly the color scheme you should go for within your spaces. This way, you can never go wrong with your interior color space.

When I look at my interior and I don’t like the way it looks for example, I decide to change the space up and I immediately get that reborn feeling, like I can do anything and my day couldn’t get better, and this is exactly what you are looking for. So try that once! I have read many studies that really do show that the spaces we live in, do not only affect our moods but our health too, and this in many ways! So let’s say you really want that piece of art or that new couch, my only advice is to go get it girl! Do it for an everyday instant mood boost and to change the vibe in your home. And here’s a little secret: doing so will not only have a positive and rejuvenating/renewing/energizing effect on you, but also your friends and family.
And there’s so much more I could tell you about how mindfulness interior may improve your life. Simply considering the advantages of designing an interior with colors that you enjoy seeing back can have a huge impact on your health, mind, and body.
I know there are days when you’re just too stressed out to concentrate on anything… go bring a piece of art or any piece of interior into the room you are working from. If that isn’t possible, try searching for interior designs on a platform you enjoy skimming through. Trust me, this way, even if you can’t have it in your home or by your side, you’ll have a piece of it nearby. It will temporarily clear your thoughts, allowing you to begin brainstorming about what is conceivable. This manner, you’re giving yourself a much-needed break and can quickly restore your mood and attention.

The fact that interior can be all of these basic things is its best feature. Remember that book you really enjoyed reading and stashed somewhere in a cupboard? Give it a special place in your home where you can easily grab it or display it, and make it your work of art.
As I sit here on the beach writing this, I’ve even been motivated to remember to bring home a memento of this wonderful place. Like a seashell or a stone found at the bottom of the sea. When I get home, I’ll put it somewhere in my office and look at it whenever I want to recall that particular memory and instantly lift my mood. And this is exactly what you can do with things from outside your home as well as things you already have!
To add to these suggestions for how your surroundings can affect your mood. Let us not forget that the interior of a room adds a lot of value. If you have a home office or work from home, try to make it as stress-free as possible and design it so that your brain feels at ease and you can work efficiently. Similarly, in any other room. If you want a cozy, livable space where you can reclaim your day, make it as calming as possible for yourself. In this way, you’re effectively designing the ideal place for you to call home.

Interior is thus not only about creating a living space that suits and adds up to your lifestyle but it’s a way of showcasing or putting your creativity out there and making it tangible for yourself. For it to be always close to you and bring you bits closer to yourself. When you’ve read all of this and aren’t sure where to begin, gather items you already own and create a small corner in which to reflect. The corner can expand over time and spread to other areas of your home. See how that affects your mood, and keep bringing out your creativity. Consider how you want your room to look or what colors you prefer, and as I previously stated, keep these in a convenient location.And I am sure this way you can get the best and make the best out of your space no matter what style you have.
Last but not least, well, actually last, allow your creative space to boost your confidence. Finally, everyone has their own personal style, and how you reflect that back into your living space can give you a huge lift of energy and confidence. This can change your perspective on things and make you appreciate the little things in life. Whether it’s a book, a stone you found, a painting, or anything else. It is whatever you attribute a valuation to.
So, what are you waiting for? Go for it girl!