Bleached Brows, Siren and Sleepy Eyes? Top 2022 Beauty Trends

by Bibiana Pitonakova Have you heard about siren eyes, bleached eyebrows, or sleepy eye makeup? Let’s check them and many more 2022 makeup trends together! Hi, girl! We all missed you A LOT! I hope you’re well and ready for a new article from the world of beauty. We will check together some popular trends that […]
The Importance of Journaling: A Full Journal, A Full Life!

Experts say that journaling can boost your wellness and mental health effectively, and it is pocket-friendly 😉. All you need is a pen and a notebook! By: Aya Alqarout We all have those days; Days when you want to talk, scream, express, and share what happened to you without restraint. Days where you feel that […]
MAN-MADE MOON – Yes, you heard that right!

By Nora Toufaili Have you ever had a moment in your life where you imagine a moon created by humans? I mean only just over 50 years ago, the first ever person to land and walk on the moon was Neil Armstrong. That moment in time remains until this day, as the greatest triumph of […]
Online Dating WITHOUT the swiping?

By Nora Toufaili The patience you must need being single and dreaming of one day meeting the right one. Are you currently in that phase? When it comes to the love life, relationships, and having a partner to share the rest of our life with, I think we can all agree it is something every […]
Holistic Philosophy: Reconnecting mind, body, and soul

Girl, it’s the right time to let your mind, body, and soul grow and glow! By Aya Alqarout The mind, body, and soul are the three most vital aspects of your existence since they all need to be in harmony for your life to be happy and fulfilling. That’s a cliche, I know. You want […]
Wellness and its Identity Crisis

How understanding the real identity of wellness will help you in 8 dimensions of your life! By: Aya Alqarout Aren’t wellness and wellbeing interconnected concepts? Yup, that’s true. And wellness is actually a synonym for health, right? Nope, that ain’t true, sis! Wellness is often misunderstood to be the same concept as health. The word […]
The *ULTIMATE* travel packing list for those business trips!

By Hanan Ouali WELCOME , glad you are following my very useful article about the ultimate packing list for us bossbabes on our business trips! Who of us doesn’t know the feeling of standing at the airport or train station and not being able to get rid of the thought that “something” is missing from […]
“Sometimes your soulmate isn’t a man, sometimes it’s money”

By Reiham Amin. TikTok sensation, Dalia Cromwell, commonly known as @the.extra.girl on social media; opens up about how being the passenger princess in her sister’s convertible, was a stepping stone for her now viral videos on TikTok. “I was dating someone and he was being trash, and my sister got a convertible at the time, […]

By Nora Toufaili How women can start funding and rising in their startups! Yep, you heard that right! It’s Nora here, your bestie and ultimate guide to start investing into yourself for your own start-up. I only had 42 cents in my bank account, and I was able to make it into a whopping $170 […]
The Modest Fashion Summer Session in Paris

BY YOUSRA BACHINE In today’s article, I will present to you the Modest Fashion Summer Session that took place in Paris in May 2022 and how modest fashion is nowadays, a revolutionary fashion style that resonates with many women across the globe. In this article, you will learn about this event and why it is […]