Getting Real About Self Love: What does it really mean to love yourself?  

By Ayah Ziyadeh  How do you practice self-love? Get your coffee ready, and let’s talk about it!  As a result of the drastic developments of technology and the high impact of social media; we have all been victims to the pressures of attaining a certain capitalistic lifestyle that prides itself around “loving yourself.” The truth […]

The Importance of Journaling: A Full Journal, A Full Life!

Experts say that journaling can boost your wellness and mental health effectively, and it is pocket-friendly 😉. All you need is a pen and a notebook! By: Aya Alqarout We all have those days; Days when you want to talk, scream, express, and share what happened to you without restraint. Days where you feel that […]

Holistic Philosophy: Reconnecting mind, body, and soul

Girl, it’s the right time to let your mind, body, and soul grow and glow! By Aya Alqarout The mind, body, and soul are the three most vital aspects of your existence since they all need to be in harmony for your life to be happy and fulfilling. That’s a cliche, I know. You want […]