Getting Real About Self Love: What does it really mean to love yourself? 

By Ayah Ziyadeh How do you practice self-love? Get your coffee ready, and let’s talk about it! As a result of the drastic developments of technology and the high impact of social media; we have all been victims to the pressures of attaining a certain capitalistic lifestyle that prides itself around “loving yourself.” The truth […]
“Sometimes your soulmate isn’t a man, sometimes it’s money”

By Reiham Amin. TikTok sensation, Dalia Cromwell, commonly known as @the.extra.girl on social media; opens up about how being the passenger princess in her sister’s convertible, was a stepping stone for her now viral videos on TikTok. “I was dating someone and he was being trash, and my sister got a convertible at the time, […]