Why Every Woman Needs To Go Get Herself a Cute Blowout!

By Celine Hert Simple Yet Effective Ways to Improve Your Relationship with Self-Confidence Self-Confidence allows you to see yourself in a vibrant light. It is something that comes from within you that reflects onto how you carry yourself as an individual as well as how people see you. When you transpire self-confidence within yourself, you […]

Successful Women Know the Secret to Developing Discipline & Daily Routines

By Celine Hert β€œSuccess doesn’t just happen. You have to be intentional about it, and that takes discipline.”  – John C. Maxwell What is the secret of successful women in developing discipline and daily routines? Girlies I am about to spill it all. First things first, what is Self-Discipline? Self-discipline is our ability to control […]

5 Afternoon Tips to Achieve a Growth Mindset

By Celine Hert Hey there boss babes, it’s your bestie back with another raw and unfiltered conversation about the importance of our mindset. Come on, mindset… again? I bet you sighed reading this word. It’s everywhere slapped on magazines and Insta posts: MINDSET. But trust me, this time it’s different. So grab your morning coffee […]